Monday, 3 December 2012

Thoughts on more bullshit marketing tactics for weight lose

Not so virginal with my blogs this time, I have come back with another blog, I mean it will be rude not to after watching Lorraine this morning and the subject was about a book called
(The little black dress diet), to be honest I didn't listen to all of it just 2 seconds was enough to switch over, yeep Rory the racing car began to be more amusing and very quickly more enjoyable to watch.

I just went into deep thought and have been about this subject all day.
I was thinking about it from a view wouldn't you want to look good in everything not just black dress?
So is this book aim for a women who will constantly be wearing a black dress?
Is gothic look back, I mean were in to winter with a of of people suffering from sad wearing black all the time, surely thats depressing with no bright colours to reflect your mood out?

Then there's the next question, when it's summer or your away in a hot country sweating wearing that black dress, will draw the sun to you more burning you.
Surely you would want to look good and feel good knowing your wearing a bikini of the choice of colour you want to wear?

The bigger picture here is the amount of bullshit even gets air time on a show like Lorraine to promote this bullshit, when the common sense of it is moderation combined with healthy eating and regular exercise.

The benefits of this for me I can invest in the common sense side and make that my market, though at the same time you have some fitness professional who write for major glossies magazine promoting in there write ups, from 2 week bikini diet to 3 weeks now to 6 weeks to eventually they have no more bullshit to write about as they have trained a celebrity and they are in the glossies getting slaughtered regarding how much weight they had put on, bye bye reputation: God sake didn't your hire a personal trainer, says it all!

What I am saying any celeb non celeb wanting to loose weight and willing to listen to my guidance I don't wave magic wands but I do get results and as a result I have been on that journey of being fat, no fairy Godmother waved her wand at me I worked for it and so can you, amen.
Have a blessed week