Monday, 3 December 2012

Thoughts on more bullshit marketing tactics for weight lose

Not so virginal with my blogs this time, I have come back with another blog, I mean it will be rude not to after watching Lorraine this morning and the subject was about a book called
(The little black dress diet), to be honest I didn't listen to all of it just 2 seconds was enough to switch over, yeep Rory the racing car began to be more amusing and very quickly more enjoyable to watch.

I just went into deep thought and have been about this subject all day.
I was thinking about it from a view wouldn't you want to look good in everything not just black dress?
So is this book aim for a women who will constantly be wearing a black dress?
Is gothic look back, I mean were in to winter with a of of people suffering from sad wearing black all the time, surely thats depressing with no bright colours to reflect your mood out?

Then there's the next question, when it's summer or your away in a hot country sweating wearing that black dress, will draw the sun to you more burning you.
Surely you would want to look good and feel good knowing your wearing a bikini of the choice of colour you want to wear?

The bigger picture here is the amount of bullshit even gets air time on a show like Lorraine to promote this bullshit, when the common sense of it is moderation combined with healthy eating and regular exercise.

The benefits of this for me I can invest in the common sense side and make that my market, though at the same time you have some fitness professional who write for major glossies magazine promoting in there write ups, from 2 week bikini diet to 3 weeks now to 6 weeks to eventually they have no more bullshit to write about as they have trained a celebrity and they are in the glossies getting slaughtered regarding how much weight they had put on, bye bye reputation: God sake didn't your hire a personal trainer, says it all!

What I am saying any celeb non celeb wanting to loose weight and willing to listen to my guidance I don't wave magic wands but I do get results and as a result I have been on that journey of being fat, no fairy Godmother waved her wand at me I worked for it and so can you, amen.
Have a blessed week

Monday, 26 November 2012

Another virginal post; yes you guessed it has been a long time since I constantly continued my weekly blogs, though life has indeed taken its toll yes busy is taking over me.

I thought I would blog about a subject, of course to do with Health & Fitness that I have been noticing for a while.
I have spoken about the known bullshit diets (fad-diets), marketing ventures at people own health risks embarking back to square one.

I have just like everyone used FaceBook and Twitter to get my message across and promote my services.
My latest was creating a like page on FaceBook the link is:
HelenaPhil-Fitness: Personal Training Diet & Fitness Expert, I noticed on my timeline that people likes were appearing, example were: like my page if you love sex, or like my page if you think I got big boobs, the list is endless with silly like, believe it or not they get liked (strange world we live in), what was the purpose of their message?? might explain it think not!

I then notice on my timeline another like from a friend on faceBook , this time was for Lighter Life, I clicked on the page and the amount of likes it had was unbelievable as well as the amount of negative comments it had, but people still liked it.
Why the hell would anyone like a page that does nothing but ruin a persons health.
I know a couple of people who went on this diet, yeah they lost the weight fast had saggy skin and one almost died from it, how could you like that I question.

No disrespect to the non novice when it comes to healthy eating but you people are a victim of cruel marketing manipulation when the simple answer to loosing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is regular exercise accompanied by healthy eating really does work and I am living proof.

My message is getting out there slowly and unlike other fitness professionals that preach on healthy living and weight lost, that have never been over weight to them putting on 4 pounds to their tiny frames is considered fat; please have a reality check you have no idea mentally how it feels so please enough with your so called 4 weeks or 6 weeks bikini diets, they don't work.

Keep tuned the wait is nearly over video footage coming soon on exercising in the comfort of your own home bought to you by me of course.
Have a blessed week people someone bounds to read this short but sweet blog amen :-))

Sunday, 30 September 2012

More evidence of bullshit diets: Yes fads are pocketing on common sense and results!

My Gosh I feel virginal right now after not writing a blog for sometime, I keep telling myself I have to write a blog soon, as you guessed it folks, I am back on my feet after nearly 7 months out of training teaching, the lot practically just had to take lead of the freedom I was in-trapped from.
Well as I say to my class when I returned The Bitch is back!

As I last mention on twitter that I will soon be posting exercises you can do from the comfort of your home (so no excuses it's raining); bare with me folks have had a lot on training and teaching is simply addictive what more can I say! But trust me worth waiting for.

This wednesday gone I was invited by the lovely Thuto Mali who step in for Jacqui Grant on colourful radio  to listen to the show follow this link:,  look for the show on (26.9.2012).                
(Note: paste these links if you click and it don't work)
The focussed was on a particular article that The Sun newspaper published, here is the link:

My view on the above link on the article I am discussing: 

To be honest when I read this article my jaw just dropped, I am sure yours will but not sure in the way mine did at the moment.
Fair play women men have both dieted in some part of their life's wether it be the cambridge diet, slimmers world to weight watchers and its great we can share our stories, this particular highlighted the truth regarding dieting and this article even stated it from the lady who the article was based on, she admitted of all the 21 diets she had done for 43 years none of them worked.
The more disturbing issue was that she was saying of all the diets it couldn't beat a gastric band, really?
I never recalled any mention regarding exercising accompanied by healthy eating in any part of the article, surely in the 43 years of fad dieting you are telling me you never gave it a thought?
I could answer this question very bluntly coming from my own experience I to once fad dieted and took advice from glossies from the panel of so called experts and trust me it got me no were, however investing in me healthy eating with regular exercise did and still has for me, so I can't understand why she took this option.

After 43 years clearly looking at the picture of the lady and the result of the gastric band, she couldn't hide the ageing process that has taken its poll on her face, to be blunt she got more lines running forget just her forehead, but her entire face putting to shame London Underground maps with its line illustrations, so whats next plastic surgery?

I was more disgusted that the ending of the article had a link to a website that does gastric bands as if it was alright and the right option to do.  
The Sun newspaper you are on my list this week to contact you should be ashamed of yourself teenagers and young women are your audience to, and after hosting the Olympics to encourage the younger generation to participate in future games with inspiring stories, you have just killed that moment.

So when you think of it all them years you spend fad dieting to get that body you have always wanted, you get it but you look older than your actual age, were is the sense in that now, adding your properly feeling like shit inside starving your body constant weight gain and loss theres so much your skin elasticity can tolerate.
That's right folks fad dieting, yoyo dieting following your favourite celerities diets will not beat healthy eating combined with regular exercise moderation really is the key to a lasting result, body & mind.

Thank you for making it easier for me:

After having my time out I clearly see the market I need to be link to with health and fitness seriously were do some people get their theories, when will glossies write sense rather than trying to be clever with their theories to getting their readers a bikini diet in 2 weeks or is it 4 weeks make your mind up, the main concern UK is now leading country in Europe for obese, surprised I am not just take a moment to read the bullshit on offer, it just says it all.

If you got time to follow fads, yoyo diets, look at this as a positive sign that self consciously you are crying out to you to have better food (not fast foods, fry ups) if your feeling low endorphins,
(natural feel good chemical released from the brain) can be released by exercising I recommend Boxing.

Keeping this short and sweet I feel I got my message across, on that note I will try not to leave it for to long, but in the meantime stay blessed :-))

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

REPS: Just who are they and is your Trainer really qualified?

Firstly apologise for not writing a blog now coming up to two weeks due to another op left me in limbo land, for what I had intended to do, lets just say, I am sore to demonstrate, so stuck for exercises to do indoor's with this shyte of a weather we are all experiencing fear not soon in future blogs will be posted and of course video images, for now though the subject is REPS, who are they what are they, read on..

Thanks to the growing fashion of celebrities hiring Person Trainers, more and more people are deciding they want the same by employing their very own fitness guru.
All is well and good wanting the same treatment as there favourite idol, after all you to have a body and health to keep into shape.
But what if your trainer you've chosen hasn't got the qualifications and knowledge to back up what they're advising?

I am a member of of The Register of Exercise Professionals (REPS)- an independent register of               Fitness instructors and Personal Trainers.
I also sit on it's council of members- a body of instructors who advise on policy and current working practice.

I believe your body is with you a lifetime so it's you're interest in keeping fit and working to higher levels.
But if you're thinking of taking a class at your local centre or employing the services of a
Personal Trainer advertised in your local paper,ask yourself this, are they qualified and know what they are doing to avoid injuries or evan damage pre-longed future?
Why be a target to a money grabbing cowboy instructor when you can have a qualified trainer who has taken time and invested in keeping ongoing education on this subject as well as experience, not forgetting keeping on top of the game with the latest fitness equipment.

By taking time to verify if your future Instructor/ Personal Trainer is a member of The Register you're not only checking they're qualified to do the job you also know they're committed to learning more and have relevant insurance.

Such checks can be made quite easily on-line via REPS website:
All members can be looked up either by name or membership number.
Each member is given a unique code and a membership card which has this number printed on it, making it easier on checking their registration and qualifications status more simple.
This number always starts with (R00 followed by five digits).

Up to date membership also means the instructor's qualifications and any additional qualifications gained are recorded onto their website visible for all to check as well as prove of public liability insurance of up to £5 million.
Agree to be bound by professional code of conduct and sign up for continued professional development is also part of the agreement REPS has with its members.

REPS was set up in 2002 to help professionalize the fitness industry.
Parented by Skills Active, it bands all it's members according to qualifications and experience providing a clear structure of career progression from student to specialist instructors trained to work with specific medical conditions.
Since it launch REPS has become very well respected within the industry, resulting to most well known fitness chains refusing to employ instructors unless they're on the Register.
REPS currently has 28,000 plus members an estimated 70 percent of those working in the fitness industry and is still growing today

Remember: Investing in your health is one of the most important things you can do, so why allow someone to jeopardise you physically?

Last but not least, don't forget that REPS is set up, yes for you the public to access information if your Trainer is who they say to be, know you are clued up more knowing this, now who's The Boss.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

It's all about the gluts or is it the core?

Recently I was asked by a close friend, is training the glut and only the glut, the in thing?
To be honest it was like a deja-vu as not, long ago I was asked a similar question by a member at a gym were I was teaching but asked if core training and only core training is apparently the in thing and right way to train?

I had to just pause: I asked both my friend and gym member were the hell they got that information from?
Not to my surprised yes, you guessed it a glossy magazine was guilty.
I question both more and horrified what I was been told and saw.

Yes the usual propaganda, using the celebrity statues to promote a fad:
Firstly let's start with Madonna, according to one glossy (not gonna bitch on the name), states to look and have gluts like Madonna, adding well researched exercises on exercising that area (I take my hat off to you there).
I don't think Madonna, in fact I put my money on it she does more than train her gluts, I mean pushing 50+ and having a body like hers.
It's obvious she cross trains meaning she adds variety to her routine, and works not just large muscle but the small ones adding free weights, running, cycling,dancing and strict diet as well as Yoga being a favourite for Boxers, proving results in their flexibility.
If you look at Madonna posture the Yoga has worked more than its magic from consistency keeping to it.
Changing the subject I know a 70 year old Yoga instructor, let me tell you this lady looks good for her age and flexible as fuck, yes thats from constantly doing it as well as looking after herself.

Lets move onto the next glossy claiming that core training and only core training will get you a stomach like Beyonce.
We all know that Beyonce has curves to die for, not forgetting a good butt and toned legs.
I really don't think that Beyonce judging by her figure only concentrates on her core, it's been reported she jogs cycles and evan seen in and out of gym, as well as dance studios in the past.
Again I take off my hat to the glossies with the well illustrated pictures showing it's readers the correct exercise's to work that area.
I am guessing you consulted an expert advice I take it?
In that case so called fitness experts what crack pipe was you smoking at the time, I mean you got your exercise for that area correct what about some more input ?

If your still lost let's shed the light on the subject.
Firstly training gluts and core I would not rule out at all.
I would encourage a person to work there arms, inner and outer thighs, calves lower back and shoulders, need to go on basically all over, oh and combined with some cardio for the old ticker.
Strengthening one part of the body and leaving the other one astray, you are asking for injuries.
Core training is fantastic after all it is the centre point of the body, your arms and legs are attached so complement them all.
You don't want to become lopsided now do you?
Same apply's to strictly working your gluts. Picture this, your workout consists of glut training, you go in the mirror and notice from lack of training your stomach and back the flab is fighting to get a front row seat in that area you don't train, not a good sight.

Next time your in the gym working out in the park, were ever you train, it's great to have a day when you work your lower body and a day the upper just keep it balance and spread it out, the results in the future will speak for them selfs.

So no folks it's not all about the gluts or core it's about training the whole body.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

The mental barrier: Getting over it

Blessed to say 2 day's in the gym, rehab on my feet has began till June decision of another 2 operation, my point is I am not high on medication whilst writing this blog as pointed out by lovely peeps:
(Thanks guys) with pointing out my mistakes.

Ah, the blog let's get on with it Helena, a good idea indeed.
It's so easy to say to yourself that sunday night when your packing your bag for the gym or that class you attended to get to.
When monday comes you are telling yourself 'naaaar can't be asked, had a stressful day'.
Tuesday hitting in, let me guess your tiered? Now wednesday is here half way into the week the gym bag is still packed and staring for your attention, by which at this time the novelty has truly worn off, before you know it your right back to sunday, though you saved the trouble of packing your gym bag as you never unpacked it in the first place.
Or is it the other way round?
Winter's here can't be bothered to exercise, I mean why would you, it's not like your  body going to be on display it's not summer right?
Firstly let's look at the lame reason that you programmed in your head giving up the task before you evan gave yourself a chance.
You have automatically sent a negative signal to your brain telling it you won't do it, in response it is saying to you chill out, you have had a stressful day as it is, exercising will add more stress.
Quiet the opposite: I have mention before in my first blog the benefits of exercising and release of endorphins, without getting technical (natural feel good chemical in the brain released when exercising) which in fact lowers stress levels, studies have shown this as a result as well as speaking from my experience, it really is true.

Back in March this year I had an operation on both my feet, as you can imagine I was out of training for a while, I have to say I was on a low at times from not being able to exercise let alone teach, but after yesterday and today I have been going to the gym slowly rehab my feet to get back into my daily routine no surprise I am on cloud nine and believe me I was not training as much as I wanted due to my injury, but the hour and half I worked out for, must say it did peek my mode immensely.

Let me go in a bit deeper and more bluntly manner, when you are having a giving up day and yes letting YOU down and choosing the easiest way to get out of exercising, adding promoting this feeling weeks on, you just simply being weak, negative and it's only you that is being punch continuously & mentally torturing YOU.
There are men, women and children that have disabilities still making the most of what they got, take Nicole Evans an incredible women with cerebral palsy diagnosed from birth, this amazing women took four days to complete the marathon this year, but boy did she do what she set out to do, yes she did.
with only the support of her walking frame. Good for you girl, you are inspirational, you truly are.
So when your having a wobbly with yourself think again, do you want sympathy cause were I am sitting you only have yourself to blame, sympathy should only be given if is't truly needed, on this occasion choosing to be weak is not deserved.
Then theres the fact, did Nicole Evans say to herself I can't do the marathon because I have cerebral palsy? no she didn't, instead she hired a personal trainer to help her get in shape and prepared for it visualised her goal and achieved it.

Preparing yourself:

Firstly invest in a notebook, if you do choose to not exercise and feel pity on yourself record your mental state, what made you feel like that and stop you going to that class or gym maybe that jog?
I bet you pigged out eating all the wrong foods at the time, or over consumed with the alcohol?
Be really honest with yourself after all it's for your knowledge no one else's to see.
Do this for a week.
Then when you do decide to exercise, see the difference within your out look in life, decision making will be made with thought and not irrational, try it and see?

If you can't be bothered to keep a note book, invest in a big A3 paper size and write a list of what you wanted to achieve in your fitness plan and place it in a place were you will see it waking up and going to sleep to remind you and no one else that if you don't  exercise you have yourself to blame.

On another note make yourself feel inspired, with placing pics of inspiring people like Nicole Evans who is determined to go against her disabilities to reach her goal, yes she completed a marathon with the support of a walking frame.
You have your legs blessed with arms, they are crying to you as well as your ticker (heart) and lungs saying  please make me function better so as I can be at my best and strongest to fight diseases and feel anti stiffness and a better mood.
If you have no disabilities shame on you for giving up before you tried, really is no excuse.

Feeling sluggish, tiered and fatide sitting in, you control your mind, the game of a mental barrier is simply to just do it confront that barrier that is stopping you from looking and feeling good.
Don't look at exercise as chore it should be looked at, as your time for body and mind to connect balance really is a quality everyone should master, the good news we all have it in us to feel this way but the sad thing is a lot of the time we seem to u-turn before the task is at hand, that's weak, I suggest fixing up for the sake of your body and mind pretty much for YOU.
On the last note, I have a confession to make, I had to have a break half way through writing this blog, to take, yes you guessed it medication feet are throbbing if your wondering?
Better late than ever by 58min into wednesday when initially intended to write this blog yesterday, maybe next week I will be on time?

Next blog 7the June 2012

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Firstly apologies for any spelling mistakes, I realised the next day from last blog when I was more wide awake and focussed, oh and too late to edit it.
I just wanted you all to know I write mainly from the heart and of course my experiences and knowledge on the subject Health & Fitness, so please forgive me?
For the record this blog is being written in a back of a Rover on route to Birmingham, just incase you wondered? Oh and I am not driving..

From my last blog I posted on the (Myths of Resistance Training: The Benefits), I expressed the importances of including it in your fitness routine.
In this blog I am going to talk about the poor techniques, in particular using Les Mills (body pump) classes as an example.
Before I begin I don't want to offend anyone who religiously attends this class or who teaches it, so in a nice and bluntly manner (don't get your knickers in a twist), amen...

To the virginal participants that attend these classes and are unaware of the poor techniques they are demonstrated and lead you to believe it is correct.  I have news for you, the answer is no.
I am going to give you some examples, starting with the (Dead Lift):
In body pump it teaches it participants to stand in a hip width position with toes facing forward, this is in fact correct, when holding the bar though, it tells it's participants to take it to the top of their knee caps, this incorrect, adding that is not a dead lift.

Lets start from the beginning;

Firstly you stand hip width apart with both feet facing forward.
Take an over grip with your hands on the bar and bar holding it to your waist, obviously educate weight that you are able to lift as if you was squatting push with you gluts (your butt), backwards and lower the bar to your toes. Knees stay bent slightly throughout.

I have attached a link with a diagram demonstrating the correct technique I have just discussed.


The next one is a Squats:
Body Pump will tell it's participants to stand slightly wider than hip width apart with toes pointing outwards slightly, knees bent at all times and pushing with your gluts.
Some of the technique is correct, though the part with your stance (standing position) is incorrect.
You should be standing hip width apart, knees slightly bent and toes pointing forward.

Heres another link for a picture of a squat with a weight bar.


The reason I decided to write this week's blog and use Les Mills Body Pump as an example as these two techniques contradict what fitness instructors are taught when learning to become an instructor, so instructors why ain't you questioning this and promoting poor technique, is it because its the Les Mills way?

Learning poor technique can cause injuries when doing them for so long, and switch muscles that you was not intending to workout, maybe a case of over loading that area to heavy weights it's  not used to, again injuries highlight strongly.

Personally I think Les Mills is a genius in marketing his products, what I don't get it's poor taste in music may I add is uninspiring and un-motivating to workout to, give me old school garage, House Jacking or Hip Hop any day.
But hey it works for some folks and their answer is these participants that are unable to do the correct technique or bend down towards their toes its a workout for them, I say whats the point in doing something if you ain't going to do it properly?

It's quiet interesting when someone see's a global marketing idea they are good at making people believe the right is wrong and create their version of what should be.
It's no surprise that old school training always hits the tick box when a new exercise class is invented.
Why is that you ask?
I will give you an example, Boxing and Circuit training as both combine cardio and resistance training, as well as a great toning and weight lost if continued and guess what it's never out of date.

I will finish on this note to those reading this blog that attend Body Pump or thinking of doing so in the near future, do the dead lift and squat the way I explained the correct way, just see what your instructor will say? 

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

The Myths on resistance training: Th benefits

We have all heard the myths that surround the subject Health & Fitness, been told one thing then another.
One of the most common myths is resistance training, been painted as a workout for the bulky geezer, you know the nicknamed sted bods parading with tight vest top and their muscles ripping out of their vest.
It's no surprise that women, now some cases men not wanting to include resistance in their workout, as they are afraid of bulking, really?
Lets clear this one up straight away, firstly you wont bulk unless you are taking steroids, well are you?
Or there's the body type mesomorph, (meaning in non rocket science, you gain muscle easily)- this again is structured by what kinda of resistance training you are doing, how heavy weights your are lifting as well as sets & reps of course diet.
Still not convinced about the benefits of resistance training?
The plus side of resistance training:
Lets look at the benefits of resistance training, it is fact that resistance training is the best form of fat burning you can do, surprised don't be, as when you look at the common sense of it, fat turns to muscle.
The other benefits resistance training has, it helps to protect your bone density from osteoporosis,brittle bones, sarcopenia and lower back pain.
Just think, if your running on hard concrete ground all the shock of hard ground impacting and the whole of your body weight on your bones slowly developing brittle bones, with no muscle mass to protect you,from not adding resistance training to your routine. Ouch not good at all in your later life.

I spoke recently with a gentleman who now is 76, in his prime time he done a lot of running, including 2 marathons. He told me he wished he never run as he suffers now with osteoporosis, being no shocked to myself when I learned that his training consisted only of running copout.
Evan running on a treadmill is harsh on your joints just think, it's a rotating band and you are running on the spot, the more higher the speed, cut the story short, you might as well bash your bones against a wall.

Please don't let me put you off running as your heart needs a workout, I advice you run on more softer surfaces like grass (just watch the dog pooh) and investing in a good pair of running shoes, is the way forward to protecting your bones. Oh and of course add resistance into your fitness regime.

Want a weight loss plan that will jump start you in the right direction? Resistance training you burn calories evan when your not training, in other words more calories are used to make and maintain muscle than fat speeding your metabolism.

Last but no least, imagine being overweight and you loose all the weight from only doing cardio no resistance training added, you will have no muscle mass so the obvious you will promote the wobble look instead of the toned look you was after in the first place.

Next time you are thinking of doing that Zumba class or body combat perhaps take up running, think about adding resistance training!
You don't have to be a gym member to have access to weight, just pick up your copy of Argos catalogue go through their section that sells free weights (for the arms), a bar with educate weights (for legs butt -squats & lunges), and start protecting your bones today as little as £30 you most defiantly won't go wrong.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Why following Fads & favourite celebrity diets is just plain stupid

Those that have been wise to follow me on my campaign against fads & celebrity following diets on Twitter, will have felt through my blunt vocabulary how I loaf the subject.
Why you maybe asking?
Its simple, it's just plain stupid.
I mean how can a fad diet change someones shape then as soon as you have stopped fad dieting and starved your body of nutrients, you have noticed your foot hasn't evan crossed the line and your right were you began, depression hits in, lack of motivation just too hard to grasp.
All you had to do was eat in moderation and exercise regularly plain simple.

Lets not forget the in fashion of following a favourite celebrity secret diets, 'I quote the celebrity diet"
What is that all about?
The point is you cut a celebrity and they bleed just the same as you do.

Magazines assisting the the called Celebrity Diet in your face with the enticed celebrity world, taking the individual away from reality,
( I mean anyone can be famous these days):  Anyone up for staring in Big Brother, maybe X-factor?),
just don't help, instead a feeling it's fashionable, not:
Lets start with the famous Cheryl Cole blood group following diet, okay I am an O positive the most common of all blood groups.
For my blood group it recommends I eat a high protein diet, basically meat eater.
Really? I have a tolerance to red meat, over 20 years ago when I ate red meat my stomach would feel heavy and I felt physically sick and not including beans in my diet made my energy levels low.
Now I am a strict vegetarian, I don't do dairy or red meats or white, I have to say I have never felt better, though I do replace my protein with Quorn products as well as a good, share of carbs (the good ones known as brown pasta & rice), it also states to avoid beans which I include highly in my food in take, in fact it's helped me with weight loose in the past, mixing black eyed peas in my salad, I continue to do so.
My point is if I followed the O blood group diet I would still be feeling sick, so no I don't agree there on the nutrition side.

I am missing something here?
That's it, The celebrity fitness videos who I quote are mainly choreographed by a fitness professional who is qualified in this field and the celebrity gets credit for it.
Pardon me for being confused here, did that celebrity undergo fitness courses, exams to learn this subject?
The answer they hired a Personal Trainer & Nutritionist to guide them.

Lets not forget the celebrity trainer that has clearly forgotten what they were taught when studying the subject health & fitness.
Elaborate for you, the write up they are known in the glossy magazines that you readers are lead to believe they are The Diet Fitness guru, earning therm the tittle all because they trained a celebrity.
Lets look at some celebrities that have followed fads;
Starting with: Lauren Goodger and the Cambridge diet (It's clearly not working lovely) and your trainer if you got one is not complimenting your natural curves you are blessed with.
Vanesa Felts, yoyo dress sizes and weight, your health plan sucks oh yeah the gastric band? have you got a trainer? if so my advice sack your trainer, it clearly ain't doing you any justice.
I could be here all day for real, but I will stop here on this one.

Adding Celebrity Personal Trainers going against principles taught, by writing up 1 week bikini diet; Stop: is that really catered for all body sizes? Thought not.
Just say your reader is over weight does the 1 week bikini diet apply to them, do they have to starve them selfs for 1 week to achieve that result?

To all celebrity trainers that have done what they were hired to do with lasting results inspiring their celebrity to continue promoting the right way, I salute you and thank you for continuing our good reputation.

Why can't we have a positive read in the glossy magazines to compliment the UK for hosting the Olympics this year?
Instead the headlines are highlighted by a  handful of celebrities that are practically starving them selfs in order to maintain the so called zero size, re-quote that, the anorexic look, you know the one that starves your body of vitamins nutrients resulting to serious impacts that results in ageing oneself 10 years to their time.
Good news for cosmetics surgeons putting them back in business. 
Example: Chloe Simms (Only way is Essex), why the hell would you go through all that when you was naturally beautiful in the first place? 
A face is to be expressed not just to see moving lips, psychiatrist or councillors your be out of jobs not knowing what your clients thoughts are to analyse them, lie detectors will be pointless if it's a body job, theres a thought!
Or is it official The Spitting Image look is back and when you age your be looking like 
Sylvester Stallone mother?

What are we doing to combat the fact that the UK has been crowned the Europe nations of fatties?
It's no wonder the UK has been crowned this tittle with the advice the media via glossy magazines is giving it's audiences.
We need to be encouraging the nation to exercise more, eat moderately and clue them up on nutrition.
Just look years ago at our ancestor's, health problems were at a low percentage suppose to now.
There weren't Madoalds or Burger King, meat was considered a privilege for them, in the meantime main availability for our ancestors survival was grown soil foods, were did obesity let alone common illness been known more commonly? Then theres the processed foods 1 minute microwave meals available today, what happen to starting from scratch when prepping food?

It seems to me the truths is not highlighted enough and my advice to quick money fad scheming gimmicks to think again, your marketing your bullshit to a vulnerable audience you know exactly what you are doing, praying on busy lives of people earning a crust with a quick fix solution; news for you I know what I am doing just like you speaking my mind of the effects your money making schemes are affecting people lively hoods.
Respect and understand I have a  mission to let people know of the dangers if continued.

Editor please we want to read inspiring stories about real women (after all these are the ones that keep you in your jobs by buying your glossies), give them something back by showing them your appreciation and write up the truth on looking good with proper facts that health & fitness should always be included in one's lifestyle, promote that, call it the best investment oneself can make.
Lets see as a nation if depression levels will be reduced, common illness going like; diabetes, obesity and heart disease, I am that confident they will reduce.
Editors if you are stuck please don't hesitate to contact me I would be more than happy to assist you?

Just remember your body is trying to talk to you please listen to it feed it the nutrients it craves for and exercise regular, in return it will compliment you by looking good with or without clothes on as well as keeping you happy and confident in your decisions as well as helping you look younger than you are, thats not to be bargained with now?

Last but not least please celebrity stick to entertaining us wether it be on on a reality show or soap, unless you are a qualified Fitness professional.

Yep, that pretty much explains why following fads & celebrities diets results in.
The question now is common sense or stupidness what are going to do?

                                          Next Blog will be published on Tuesday 15th May 2012

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Introduction: Why exercise is an investment in the long run: My story

So I have officially burst my cherry now having my blog my views whoop whoop!
Now thats off my chest back to blogging on a subject that I have passion for, Health & Fitness.

We have all heard the usual blah blah eat healthy exercise regular and still ignore the common sense.
But why is it that when a fad diet is in trend or down to following your favourite celebrity diets were so fickle minded not questioning the stupidness that follows?
Your asking what is this women talking about?
What I mean about the stupidness that follows, firstly you shouldn't be dieting that's a fools paradise.
Secondly moderation is the key, I of all people know this to be a fact.
Once weighing 15 stones, I learned to moderate my food intake.
Example; I would eat a sensible breakfast a good portion for lunch and less in the evening when I was less active, of course I exercised not twice a week but 4-6 times a week, adapting from having lucozade and crisps and chocolate for breakfast, the rest is just embarrassing to mention.
Slowly within time I noticed how much I lost, with my trousers falling to my feet as I no longer had a belly to use as my belt.
From my experience I learned about investing, nope not in property but in myself  and health, by far was my best non financial investment that was a winner all the way.
I still now continue to exercise and eat healthy as well as being a Personal Trainer and group fitness instructor leading people to a healthier lifestyle.
Oh did I mention I still enjoy cakes, sweets and  chocolate without having the fear its going on to my butt.
By the continuous of exercising and eating well I now can eat practically what I want.
That's just the start, mentally I feel so in control within myself and decision are made with confidence to the point if I smile any harder I will literally leave a dent in my face, being the opposite to what I was back then, sad depressed before I was introduce to releasing natural endorphins (natural feel good chemical release from the brain when exercising). Who needs anti-depressents? Exactly.

The good thing about exercising there is no age limit with different levels for the non Jane Fonda types theres yoga, swimming pilates or if you like pain to gain enjoy a sweat? take up boxing running, that's just the start.
The greatness of exercising there are limitless activities to get you hooked, the point is if you can get hooked on a fad diet, celebrity following diets think again do you want something lasting or a quick fix bringing you back to square one the decision is yours?
Oh I forgot your busy lifestyle either working being a full time parent is hectic but theres that time in the evening when you sort your priority to leaving them aside to watch that reality show your hooked on to catching up with Eastenders  or what ever tickles your taste television wise.
If your making time for the TV now consider making time for you, as you have let yourself down invest in you, Katie Price or Big Brother don't care about you and how your looking look and feel better knowing it's your time is priceless.
It really is as easy as said just got to give it a chance.
When your looking and feeling good are you going to complain now?
Thought so.

                                              This was me weighing at the time 15 stones

                                       Me results of the best investment health & fitness now